News Category : WHATNEW

News : Important notice for Swami Vivekananda Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship (renewal)
Published On 8/5/2021


Hijli College 

Kharagpur - 721306


Dated: 08/05/2021 

It is notified to all concerned that those who have not applied Swami Vivekananda Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship (renewal) due to unavailability 4th semester Marksheet are hereby asked to mail to college office( with scholarship application ID within 11.05.2021. They will be provided image of their Marksheet through mail so they can apply scholarship (renewal).


 They may contact Dipak Kumar Patra (9476327307) or Sk. Amiruddin (Mob. No. 7585871655) if there is any difficulty.
